Although many Nazis found new and ideologically welcoming homes in Egypt and Syria after World War II, the Grand Mufti’s Palestinian national movement itself, bereft of its Nazi patron, was an orphan. No sovereign state of any consequence supported it. On the contrary, most of the surrounding Arab states, all of them buoyed by postcolonial nationalism and looking for political stability, perceived the Palestinian cause, especially as embodied in the Muslim Brotherhood, as a threat. Egypt aggressively suppressed the Brotherhood. Saudi and Jordanian royalty watched the growth of radical Islam with suspicion. Syria and Lebanon, trying to move toward more open societies in the pre-Ba’athist era, feared the Brotherhood’s opposition to western-style civil rights and liberties and its fierce condemnation of westernized Arab societies.
More to the point, each of these states coveted some or all of what was formerly British Mandatory Palestine and were no more enthusiastic about the creation of a new Arab state there than they were about the creation of Israel. As a result of these complex national ambitions and antagonisms, no state for the Arabs of British Mandatory Palestine was created. Even though Israel offered the return of territories gained in the 1948 war at the Rhodes armistice conference of February 1949, the Arab leaders (among whom there were no representatives from the Arabs of the former Palestine) rejected Israel’s peace offers, declared jihad, and condemned the Arab refugees to eternal refugee status, while also illegally occupying the remaining areas that the United Nations had envisioned as a Palestinian state—as Arafat himself tells us in his authorized biography (Alan Hart, Arafat: Terrorist or Peace Maker?). Egypt herded Palestinian Arabs into refugee camps in its new fiefdom in the Gaza Strip, assassinated their leaders, and shot anyone who tried to leave. Jordan illegally annexed the west Bank and maintained martial law over it for the next nineteen years.
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1 comment:
David is so right. The link between Nazi ideology and Islamic suicide terrorism surfaced again today in Iraq when two females with Down Syndrome were preyed upon by Al Qaeda terrorist 'handlers' to become suicide bombers. This is not the first time that persons and even children with Down syndrome have been murdered in this way. In 2005 an Iraqi teen was murdered and Muhammed Abdo in the Palestinian arena was a young teen whose attack was fortunately foiled by the Israelis.
the nazi ideology Lebenswert �in the Djerba synagogue bombing article�
Here is the passage:
At this point in the deposition, Ganczarski [the Al Qaeda terrorist] waxes philosophical, mentioning that he and his wife had long discussed the fact that they did not wish to raise their children in a non-Muslim country though they are now back in Germany. His choice of words is chilling: Besonders im Hinblick auf die Erziehung der Kinder ist das Leben in einem islamischen Land im islamischen Sinne lebenswerter . [ trans. Especially with respect to the education of children, it is more worthwhile living life in an Islamic country in an Islamic fashion, that is, meaning under Sharia, Islamic law]58 (D. Van Dyke, Ph.D. translation)
Lebenswert is a Nazi code word implying that there were other lives, which did not merit living such as the life of a Jew. In Nazi Germany the Jews along with the homosexuals, congenitally deformed and mentally retarded were called lebensunwertes Leben , that is, �life unworthy of life.� This was the Nazi code word that justified medical experimentation, eugenic abortion and eventually the death camps. Lebenswert points to the dehumanization of life, which is the exact objective of suicide bombing. Those lives destroyed in a dehumanized way have a counterpoint in Nazi ideology, the practice of Lebensborn , and the stud farms where Aryans procreated. Usama bin Laden and his jihadis have their own Lebensborn called polygamy. Along with Usama's obsession for breeding � be they Arabian horses or genetically engineered agricultural seeds suitable for the Sudan fit like hand and glove with Nazi ideology. Beliefs drive behavior, most especially paranoid delusional ones which inevitably have to do with sexual hang-ups.
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